Occupational Therapy
The Occupational Therapy Department at Holy City Pediatric Therapy consist of highly trained and experienced clinicians that not only bring their specialties into each treatment session, but also their hearts and love for each child. Our therapists average 7 years of experience and within that time period, they have all worked to further their knowledge with extensive amounts of continuing education and training in order develop their practice. The OT department is constantly communicating and working together in order ensure that each child’s plan of care and treatment sessions are being performed at the level of excellence that we have all come to expect from one another in this practice. Our team uses a play based and child centered approach to also ensure that each child is having fun while developing their skills. Our OTs utilize the following specialty areas and continuing education knowledge in their practice;
- Southern California’s Chan Sensory Integration Certificate Program
- Beckman Oral Motor Protocol
- SOS Approach to Feeding
- Handwriting Without Tears
- Astronaut Training
- DIR FloorTime Approach
- Child Directed Interaction Therapy
- Integrated Listening Systems
- Safe and Sound
- Focus Systems
- Building Blocks for Sensory and Reflex Integration
- Core Connections
- Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT)
- Interactive Metronome
- Kinesio Taping
If your child is experiencing difficulty in the following areas, an OT evaluation would be a great place to start. Contact us if you have any questions.

Fine Motor
- Difficulty with coloring, writing, cutting
- Does not have a dominant hand
- Drops things easily
- Awkward or fisted grasp
- Difficulty with age-appropriate school tasks such as reading, math, etc
Gross Motor
- Poor coordination with jumping jacks, skipping, etc
- Difficulty climbing or playing to the playground
- Poor ball skills for catching, throwing etc.
- Appears clumsy or frequently falls
- Prefers sedentary play
- Lacks strength, endurance or coordination for age-appropriate play
- Avoids or becomes upset with textures (clothing, messy crafts, sand, etc)
- Distress/Difficulty with grooming, bathing, dressing, etc
- Becomes overwhelmed in noisy or crowded environments
- Does not respond to name
- Has difficulty following directions
- Picky eater